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[[Category:Maintenance Obligations (LTB)‎]]
[[Category:Payment of Rent (LTB)‎]]
[[Category:Section 83 (RTA)]]

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==Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 17<ref name="RTA"/>==
<b><u>83 (1) Upon an application for an order evicting a tenant,</b></u> the Board may, despite any other provision of this Act or the tenancy agreement,
::(a) refuse to grant the application unless satisfied, having regard to all the circumstances, that it would be unfair to refuse; or
::(b) order that the enforcement of the eviction order be postponed for a period of time. 
:(2) If a hearing is held, the Board shall not grant the application unless it has reviewed the circumstances and considered whether or not it should exercise its powers under subsection (1). 
:(3) Without restricting the generality of subsection (1), <b><u>the Board shall refuse to grant the application where satisfied that</b></u>,
::<b><u>(a) the landlord is in serious breach of the landlord’s responsibilities under this Act or of any material covenant in the tenancy agreement;</b></u>
::<b><u>(b) the reason for the application being brought is that the tenant has complained to a governmental authority of the landlord’s violation of a law dealing with health, safety, housing or maintenance standards;</b></u>
::<b><u>(c) the reason for the application being brought is that the tenant has attempted to secure or enforce his or her legal rights;</b></u>
::<b><u>(d) the reason for the application being brought is that the tenant is a member of a tenants’ association or is attempting to organize such an association;</b></u> or
::(e) the reason for the application being brought is that the rental unit is occupied by children and the occupation by the children does not constitute overcrowding. 
:(4) The Board shall not issue an eviction order in a proceeding regarding termination of a tenancy for the purposes of residential occupation, demolition, conversion to non-residential rental use, renovations or repairs until the landlord has complied with section 48.1, 52, 54 or 55, as the case may be.
:(5) If a tenant has given a landlord notice under subsection 53 (2) and subsection 54 (2) applies, the Board shall not issue an eviction order in a proceeding regarding termination of the tenancy until the landlord has compensated the tenant in accordance with subsection 54 (2).
<ref name="RTA">Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 17, <>, retrieved on 2020-06-10</ref>
==TSL-78756-16 (Re), 2017 CanLII 28518 (ON LTB)<ref name="TSL-78756-16"/>==
39. The Tenant submitted that the Board must deny the eviction pursuant to subsection 83(3)(a)<ref name="RTA83"/> of the Act because the Landlord failed to provide adequate heat in the unit from October 2016 to December 2016.
40. In the Tenants’ position, this constitutes a serious breach of the Landlord’s responsibilities for the purposes of s.83(3)(a)<ref name="RTA83"/> of the Act.  Therefore, this provision of the Act prevents me from granting the Landlord’s application for termination and eviction.
<b><u>41. The wording in s. 83(3)(a)<ref name="RTA83"/> is in the present tense meaning that the serious breach must be ongoing at the time of the hearing before the Board</b></u> (see Puterbough v. Canada (Public Works & Government Services (2007) O.J. No. 748 (Ont. Div. Ct.) at para. 28<ref name="Puterbough"/>).
<ref name="TSL-78756-16">TSL-78756-16 (Re), 2017 CanLII 28518 (ON LTB), <>, retrieved on 2020-06-10</ref>
<ref name="Puterbough">Puterbough v. Canada (Public Works & Government Services), 2007 CarswellOnt 2222 <>retrieved on 2020-06-10</ref>
==SWL-03462-09 (Re), 2009 CanLII 84377 (ON LTB)<ref name="SWL-03462-09"/>==
2. The Tenant has not paid the rent owed for September, October or November 2009.  No rent was paid to the Landlord since the application was filed.
3. The Tenant owes $2,570.00 in arrears of rent and costs for the period ending November 30, 2009.
4. I have considered all of the disclosed circumstances as required under subsection 83(2) of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (the ‘Act’) and find that, as the Landlord was in serious breach of his statutory obligations at the time this application was heard, eviction must be refused pursuant to subsection 83(3)(a) of the Act.
<b><u>5. The Landlord has deliberately interfered with the supply of gas and electricity to the rental unit.  This was contrary to the Act.</b></u>
6. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Investigations and Enforcement Unit had already informed the Landlord that such actions were illegal when it directed him to have gas service to the unit restored just two weeks before he had the electricity to the unit cut off in the same manner.
<b><u>7. As eviction could not be ordered under this application, arrears of rent could only be ordered up to the end of the month in which the application was heard.</b></u>  The Landlord is also entitled to recover is application filing fee.
<ref name="SWL-03462-09">SWL-03462-09 (Re), 2009 CanLII 84377 (ON LTB), <>, retrieved on 2022-07-21</ref>

Latest revision as of 06:52, 1 February 2023