Rental Housing Licenses - Charging Rent

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Caselaw.Ninja, Riverview Group Publishing 2021 ©
Date Retrieved: 2024-09-28
CLNP Page ID: 2194
Page Categories: [By-Laws]
Citation: Rental Housing Licenses - Charging Rent, CLNP 2194, <>, retrieved on 2024-09-28
Editor: Sharvey
Last Updated: 2023/05/09

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Waterloo Rental housing licensing bylaw

2.1 No person shall do any of the following, except in accordance with a licence issued under this bylaw:

(a) carry on a Residential Rental Business;
(b) permit a person to carry on a Residential Rental Business;
(c) collect Rent, or permit Rent to be collected, for a Rental Unit; or,
(d) hold themselves out as being licensed to carry on a Residential Rental Business.


Oshawa Rental Housing Licensing Bylaws

Rental Housing

1. Subject to section 2 of this Schedule, this Schedule applies to the Rental Area. (20-2008)

2. This Schedule does not apply to (a) a “housing project” as that term is defined in the Housing Services Act,2011, S.O. 2011, c. 6, Schedule 1;or to (69-2013) (b) a Rental Unit that is occupied by at least one owner of the Rental Unit as their sole residence and in which no more than two (2) Bedrooms are occupied by Tenants. (135-2021)

2.1 Without limiting paragraph 3(a) of this By-law and subject to section 2 of this Schedule, no person shall permit the promotion or advertising of a Rental Unit as being available for occupancy or permit to be offered to any person a right to occupy a Rental Unit except a Rental Unit in respect of which a licence has been issued pursuant to this By­law. (69-2013)
2.2 The term of a Rental Unit licence that is issued by the Director under this Schedule shall be for a period of not more than two (2) years. (135-2021)



  1. Bylaw number: 2016 - 044, <>, retrieved 2023-05-08
  2. Oshawa Rental Housing Licensing Bylaw, <>, reterived 2023-05-08