Rental Housing Licenses - Charging Rent

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Caselaw.Ninja, Riverview Group Publishing 2021 ©
Date Retrieved: 2024-09-28
CLNP Page ID: 2194
Page Categories: [By-Laws]
Citation: Rental Housing Licenses - Charging Rent, CLNP 2194, <>, retrieved on 2024-09-28
Editor: Sharvey
Last Updated: 2023/05/09

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Waterloo Rental housing licensing bylaw

2.1 No person shall do any of the following, except in accordance with a licence issued under this bylaw:

(a) carry on a Residential Rental Business;
(b) permit a person to carry on a Residential Rental Business;
(c) collect Rent, or permit Rent to be collected, for a Rental Unit; or,
(d) hold themselves out as being licensed to carry on a Residential Rental Business.


Oshawa Rental Housing Licensing Bylaws

Rental Housing

1. Subject to section 2 of this Schedule, this Schedule applies to the Rental Area. (20-2008)

2. This Schedule does not apply to (a) a “housing project” as that term is defined in the Housing Services Act,2011, S.O. 2011, c. 6, Schedule 1;or to (69-2013) (b) a Rental Unit that is occupied by at least one owner of the Rental Unit as their sole residence and in which no more than two (2) Bedrooms are occupied by Tenants. (135-2021)

2.1 Without limiting paragraph 3(a) of this By-law and subject to section 2 of this Schedule, no person shall permit the promotion or advertising of a Rental Unit as being available for occupancy or permit to be offered to any person a right to occupy a Rental Unit except a Rental Unit in respect of which a licence has been issued pursuant to this By­law. (69-2013)
2.2 The term of a Rental Unit licence that is issued by the Director under this Schedule shall be for a period of not more than two (2) years. (135-2021)


London Residential Rental Unit Licensing (RRUL) By-law

AND WHEREAS the Council for the City of London considers it necessary and desirable for the public to regulate the renting of residential premises for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of the persons residing in residential rental premises by ensuring that the certain regulations are met, that the required essentials such as plumbing, heating and water are provided, for ensuring that the residential rental premises do not create a nuisance to the surrounding properties and neighbourhood and to protect the residential amenity, character and stability of residential areas;


2.1 No person shall operate a Rental Unit without holding a current valid licence issued under the provisions of this By-law.

2.2 No person shall hold themselves out to be licensed under this By-law if they are not.

2.3 No person shall contravene or fail to comply with a term or condition of their licence imposed under this By-law.

2.4 No person shall operate a Rental Unit while their licence issued under this By-law is under suspension.


3.1 This By-law shall not apply to:

(a) a Rental Unit in an Apartment Building, a Stacked Townhouse or a Townhouse;
(b) a Rental Unit that meets all of the following conditions:
(i) the Rental Unit constitutes the principle residence of the registered owner;
(ii) the Rental Unit is temporarily rented by the registered owner for a period of time no greater than 12 consecutive months in any 24 month period;
(iii) the Rental Unit was occupied by the registered owner immediately prior to its rental;
(iv) the registered owner of the Rental Unit is temporarily living outside of the Municipality; and,
(v) the registered owner intends to reoccupy the Rental Unit upon termination of the temporary rental.



2.1 No person shall operate a Rental Unit without holding a current valid licence issued under the provisions of this By-Law.

2.2 No person shall hold himself, herself or itself out to be licensed under this ByLaw if they are not.

2.3 No person shall contravene or fail to comply with a term or condition of his, her or its licence imposed under this By-Law.

2.4 No person shall operate a Rental Unit while the licence issued under this By-Law is under suspension.



4.1 No person shall do any of the following, except in accordance with a Licence issued under this by-law:

(a) Operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(b) Permit a person to operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(c) Collect Rent, or permit Rent to be collected, for a Rental Housing Unit;
(d) Market, or permit to be Marketed, a Rental Housing Unit; or
(e) Hold a Rental Housing Unit out as being licensed.

4.2 No person shall do any of the following, other than at a location for which a Licence has been issued under this by-law:

(a) Operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(b) Permit a person to operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(c) Collect Rent, or permit Rent to be collected, for a Rental Housing Unit;
(d) Market, or permit to be Marketed, a Rental Housing Unit; or
(e) Hold a Rental Housing Unit out as being licensed.

4.3 No person shall do any of the following under a name other than the name under which a Licence has been issued under this by-law:

(a) Operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(b) Permit a person to operate a Rental Housing Unit;
(c) Collect Rent, or permit Rent to be collected, for a Rental Housing Unit;
(d) Market, or permit to be Marketed, a Rental Housing Unit; or
(e) Hold a Rental Housing Unit out as being licensed.


Hamilton Rental Housing By-law No. 21-166

2.1 No person shall operate a Rental Housing Unit without holding a current valid licence issued under the provisions of the By-law;

2.2 No person shall hold themselves out to be licensed under the By-law if they are not;

2.3 No person shall contravene or fail to comply with a term or condition of their licence imposed under the By-law;

2.4 No person shall operate a Rental Housing Unit while their licence issued under the By-law is under suspension;

2.5 No person shall transfer or assign a licence issued under the By-law;

2.6 No person shall provide false or misleading information to the City when applying for a licence under the By-law, renewing a licence or at any other time;

2.7 No person shall hinder or obstruct an Officer or attempt to hinder or obstruct an Officer who is performing a duty under the By-law; and,

2.8 Any person who provides false information to the City shall be deemed to have hindered or obstructed an Officer in the execution of his or her duties.


Other Cities with Known By-Laws

  • Kingston (Short-Term Rentals)
  • Hamilton
  • Peterborough
  • Brampton
  • St Catharines
  • Toronto
  • Sudbury
  • Guelph
  • Huntsville
  • Ottawa
  • Thorold
  • Vaughan
  • Ramara
  • Township of Tiny
  • Municipality of Bluewater


  1. Bylaw number: 2016 - 044, <>, retrieved 2023-05-08
  2. Oshawa Rental Housing Licensing Bylaw, <>, reterived 2023-05-08
  3. London Residential Rental Unit Licensing (RRUL) By-law <>, reterived 2023-05-08
  4. North Bay RESIDENTIAL RENTAL HOUSING LICENSING BY-LAW, <>, reterived 2023-05-08
  6. Rental Housing By-law No. 21-166 to Amend By-law No. 07-170, a By-law to License and Regulate Various Businesses, <>, retrieved 2023-05-09