Withdraw of an Application (LTB)

From Riverview Legal Group
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Landlord & Tenant Board - Rules of Procedure[1]

17.1 An applicant may withdraw an application without consent at any time before the oral or electronic hearing begins unless it is for an order that the landlord, superintendent or agent of the landlord has harassed, obstructed, coerced, threatened or interfered with the tenant during the tenant's occupancy of the rental unit in which case it cannot be withdrawn without the consent of a Member or DRO.

17.2 Where an application is being heard in writing, it may be withdrawn without consent at any time before the day on which the applicant's written submissions are due. The applicant must notify the LTB and the other parties of the withdrawal as soon as possible.

17.3 An oral or electronic hearing begins when parties first come before the Member or DRO and this includes an appearance on a preliminary matter. After an oral or electronic hearing begins the application cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the Member or DRO.


TST-84840-17 (Re), 2017 CanLII 59952 (ON LTB)[2]

4. On the morning of July 4, 2017, the day before the hearing, the Tenant sent the Board a request to withdraw this application. As she did not indicate that the Landlords consent, at approximately noon on July 4, 2017 the Board left a voicemail message for the individual Landlord. The Board did not hear back from the individual Landlord and at approximately 4:00pm I issued a direction denying the Tenant’s request to withdraw prior to the hearing because the Landlords did not consent to the request.

11. However, there will be no order for costs in this application. The main factor to be decided when awarding costs is whether a party’s conduct was unreasonable in the circumstances. Conduct may be found to be unreasonable when it results in undue delay or expense to the other party. Given the circumstances, it was not unreasonable for the Tenant to wait until July 4, 2017 to withdraw her application; if she had done so earlier she risked not having her issues adjudicated at all, either by the OHRT or by the Board.

12. As for the issue of undue expense, the Tenant’s application signals that she intends to file a complaint with the OHRT and also suggests that this application be postponed. Then, in her e-mail of May 31, 2017, the Tenant said that she may consider cancelling her LTB case. Then, on July 4, 2017, the Board left a voice mail message for the individual Landlord stating that the Tenant wished to withdraw the application. In his response submissions, the Landlord’s legal representative he stated that the Tenant did not notify her intention to withdraw the application until the day before the hearing. This means the Landlords were aware, on July 4, 2017 (likely through the Board’s voice mail message) that the Tenant intended to withdraw her application. The Landlords could have then decided not to send a representative to the hearing. Instead they sent a representative.

13. Further, I have considered whether the Landlords have incurred undue expense by preparing for the hearing on July 4, 2017. The Tenant has made it clear that her claims will be made to one adjudicative body or another, so some preparation will be required in any event. Any preparation undertaken for the hearing scheduled for July 5, 2017 will not be wasted; it may be applied to the proceeding at the OHRT.

14. As I am not satisfied that the Tenant’s conduct in waiting until July 4, 2017 to withdraw her application was unreasonable, there will be no order as to costs.

15. In accordance with subsection 200(4) of the Act, I consent to the withdrawal of the application.


TST-50612-14-RO-IN (Re), 2015 CanLII 69369 (ON LTB)[3]

5. There is no dispute trhat when BT arrived at Board on the day of the hearing he asked the Tenant if he understood that the matter could lead to a fraud investigation, and, in response to the Tenant asking if that was a threat, BT responded that it was a promise. SN and the Tenant spoke further and agreed to work on a mediated settlement and BT left. As part of the agreement, the Tenant agreed to withdraw the application with prejudice and, in consideration, the Landlord agreed it would not pursue any proceedings based on the ‘alleged fraudulent N2 notice’.

6. The evidence does not support that the Tenant was coerced into mediation. I am not satisfied that the Tenant acted against his will in response to threats made by the Landlord. Informing the Tenant of the possible consequences of proceeding on the basis of false information is not in and of itself a threat. At various points, the parties made choices based on their various interests on how to proceed and left with an agreement. The agreement was signed on April 15, 2014. The request to re-open was filed April 14, 2015. It would be expected that if the Tenant felt coerced into the agreement, he would not have waited until the last possible day to challenge it on that basis. The Tenant has been before the Board previously and participated in mediation.

7. I also note that SN contacted the Tenant by email the day after the agreement was signed to suggest the agreement should not contain a re-open clause because the parties had agreed in clause 1 that the Tenant would withdraw the application with prejudice. The Tenant responded by email that he would not agree to remove the clause, because having agreed to withdraw with prejudice, he would not be able to bring the same allegations again and removing the clause would be prevent him from seeking a remedy if the Landlord did not comply with the agreement. This is not the email of a party that felt coerced into the agreement. Rather, the Tenant understood what he was doing and was a willing participant in the proceedings.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Landlord & Tenant Board, Rules of Procedure, <http://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Rules/LTB%20Rules%20of%20Practice.html>, reterived September 22, 2020
  2. 2.0 2.1 TST-84840-17 (Re), 2017 CanLII 59952 (ON LTB), <http://canlii.ca/t/h5zpk>, retrieved on 2020-09-22
  3. 3.0 3.1 TST-50612-14-RO-IN (Re), 2015 CanLII 69369 (ON LTB), <http://canlii.ca/t/glvb1>, retrieved on 2020-09-22