Font Colour

From Riverview Legal Group
Revision as of 15:18, 30 April 2021 by P08916 (talk | contribs)
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Set text color by using <span style="color:#009999"> This is an example...</span>

Set background color by using <span style="background:#00FF00"> This is an example...</span>

Set both by using <span style="color:#FFFFFF; background:#FF69B4"> This is an example...</span>

Standard color names

The HTML 4.01 specification defines sixteen named colors, as follows:

Color Hexadecimal Color Hexadecimal
black #000000 silver #c0c0c0
gray #808080 white #ffffff
maroon #800000 red #ff0000
purple #800080 fuchsia #ff00ff
green #008000 lime #00ff00
olive #808000 yellow #ffff00
navy #000080 blue #0000ff
teal #008080 aqua #00ffff


See also