Motions (Re: Drafting)(POA)

From Riverview Legal Group
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There is no formal rule on how motions in the Provincial Offenses Court are to be written. The following is a guideline only, the form and content of each motion are ultimately up to the Justice of the Peace that decides on the motion.

Suggested Documents

  • Notice of Motion
  • Affidavit Evidence
  • Factum of the Applicant/Defendant
  • Motion Record
  • Affidavit of Service

Notice of Motion (Re: Contents)

Every notice of motion should:

(a) state the precise relief sought;
(b) state the grounds to be argued, including a reference to any statutory provision or rule to be relied on; and
(c) list the documentary evidence to be used at the hearing of the motion.

Motion Record (Re: Contents)

The motion record shall contain, in consecutively numbered pages arranged in the following order,

(a) a table of contents describing each document, including each exhibit, by its nature and date and, in the case of an exhibit, by exhibit number or letter;
(b) a copy of the notice of motion;
(c) a copy of all affidavits and other material served by any party for use on the motion;
(d) a list of all relevant transcripts of evidence in chronological order, but not necessarily the transcripts themselves; and
(e) a copy of any other material in the court file that is necessary for the hearing of the motion.