Talk:Default SDM where no Guardianship Order is in Place

From Riverview Legal Group

Legal Representation of a Person Under a Disability

Complete Paralegal Rules of Conduct[1]

3.02 (14) If the disability of the client is such that the client no longer has the legal capacity to manage his or her legal affairs, the paralegal shall take such steps as are appropriate to have a lawfully authorized representative appointed.


3.03 (1) A paralegal shall, at all times, hold in strict confidence all information concerning the business and affairs of a client acquired in the course of their professional relationship and shall not disclose any such information unless:

(a) expressly or impliedly authorized by the client;
(b) required by law or by order of a tribunal of competent jurisdiction to do so;
(c) required to provide the information to the Law Society; or
(d) otherwise permitted by this rule.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Paralegal Rules of Conduct, <>, retrieved 2024-10-01