Immigration header

Adding Immigration to the Paralegal Scope of Practice


Overview Immigration is an important topic for paralegals. It’s about money. Fees for immigration applications can range between $6,000 to $30,000 depending on a number of factors. Immigration is big business and there is no

Hand Cuffs and Justice

Failure to Comply is Serious


I recently represented an individual charged with Theft under $5,000. The person was released on three very specific conditions which included a commitment to NOT visit a certain location (such conditions are called “undertakings”). After

Animal Care Review Board

Seizure of an Animal under PAWS


This is an overview of the difference between an animal seized for safekeeping vs an animal placed in care under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act (“PAWS”) Our pets are very important members of our

Marriage & Spouse

Who is a Spouse under the RTA?


Fact Situation On September 6, 2020, a boyfriend (“BF”) and girlfriend (“GF”) decide they are going to live together at the girl’s parents’ basement. The couple then decided they needed their own place. On October


Rent Arrears and the Sale of a Rental Property


What happens to the arrears of rent that is owing when a property is sold to a new buyer? Can the new owner get an eviction order based on money owed to the previous owner