Requesting Electronic Court Records as a Non-Party to a Proceeding
From Riverview Legal Group
This section refers to requesting copies of information filed with the court where the requestor is not a party connected to the action.
Court of Appeal for Ontario ("COA")
- There is no fee to request electronic records from cases from the COA as long as the cour file is active in their system.
Walkthrough - Re: Request for Court Documents for Public Consumption
- Step One (1) - Identity the case title you are seeking the records on.
- Step Two (2) - Identify the court file number, eg C98954 for the above case. This is normally found in the decision heading. Note: This is not the same as the CanLII publication number.
- Step Three (3) - Send an email to with the following information:
- Re Line:
Electronic Documents Available (General)
Character Codes Meaning ABCO Appeal Book and Compendium ACA Compendium for Argument - Appellant ACOM Appellant's Compendium AOA Appellant Book of Authorities AOI Authorities of the Intervener AOR Respondent's Book of Authorities APB Appeal Book BOCA Bill of Costs - Appellant BOCR Bill of Costs - Respondent EXHB Exhibit Book EXTB Extract Book FAP Factum of the Appellant FEV Fresh Evidence FOAC Factum of Amicus Curiae FOI Factum of Intervener FRE Factum of the Respondent FXA Factum of the Cross-Appellant FXR Factum of the Cross-Respondent RAPB Respondent's Appeal Book RCA Compendium for Argument - Respondent RCOM Respondent's Compendium SAB Supplementary Appeal Book SABC Supplementary Appeal Book and Compendium SAF Supplementary Factum - Appellant SAOA Supplementary Book of Authorities - Appellant SAOR Supplementary Book of Authorities - Respondent SRF Supplementary Factum - Respondent TRN Transcript